Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oh and here's my other piece...

note that I still need to frame this. i had a really hard time drawing the queen and I think she takes away from the piece a bit (she's cartoony) but from far away I'm happy with the composition


  1. I really like the contrast of the white cards against the black background. The one card that is on the right hand side that is kind of like narrow above the queen of hearts looks a little warped. Maybe just work that one a little more so it looks more natural like all the other ones. Also the top one on the right that is falling looks a little fadded at the bottom (maybe just on the computer) but if you also worked that one more i think it would look better! I really like the fancy letters that you did on them they are super cute :) your hot! ha

  2. This is a great piece. But I have to say that this piece only seems to have a foreground and a background, which kind of make this piece look a little weird. I feel like there should be something a little more in the piece, not just cards.

  3. Wow! Great job with the cards! The way you matched the designs on the cards with the angles they are falling at, and the ways they are bent, is amazing. (Sorry if that bit didn't make much sense.) On your mushroom forest piece, I really get that sense of depth from the way the mushrooms get smaller as they go back. And to some extent, I get a sense of depth from the cards as well. But on the other piece, I was a bit confused as to the presence of the caterpillar. The brown lines in the background, maybe? Perhaps also you could push the value a bit more. Good job!

  4. I like the Balance between all of the cards. It fills up the space without cluttering or seeming to be too spread out. I get the feeling that the black void background is intentional on your part but I just find it kind of bland. Maybe if you threw in a simple pattern that resonates with cards then that would be nice.

    You make me so proud!

  5. I disagree with Michael Chen- there is definitely foreground, middle ground, and background. The cards are on different planes- some are in front of each other and others are behind. I love the voidness (if thats even a real word) of the pitch black background.

  6. Way to be loved by every one and get 9 comments, oops! 10.

  7. ALLIE your a cat. but ya im liking the movement in this picture, its super interesting and captures my attention foshooo. i think maybe some color would be interesting but honestly i love it! meowww

  8. coolio stuff goin on. Right when I saw the card one I immediately thought: "Woah, that'd be cool if the queen/king/jack people were coming out of the card."
    In other words, maybe add more depth/play on the creepiness of Alice in Wonderland and how everything is alive in the story.

    Dunno if you wanna take a stretch here, but maybe just one choice of a color to make the cards pop like red to highlight things. Since when I think of Wonderland I think of super colorful, psychedelic happyland.

    This is annoyingly looooong, so to make it longer: Great job Allie and I'm seeing some cool and imaginative ideas from your already out-of-the-box concentration :-)
